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LOVE*STAR presents: 
**### institut für universelle zusammenhänge

(below on this page is the old index)

This is the old index (the new index is here)

the single of the month   
Each month a song/audio is exposed in the 'single of the month' series. Browse the collection in the weird order it was made available to the www and discover the variety of  the material...
alternative? rock?... 
... or electronic/dance? 
Many like to distinguish between music styles. But the songs here are no genre music. Anyway you can draw a little help from this 2-pole scheme...
This is for collectors and DJ's:
In the following a list of attributes that can be attached to the downloadable audios is given (the audios can have more than one attribute and other attributes exist not mentioned here). You might search for particular contexts or just discover particular hooks attracting your curiousity...
literature involved?
rock history refered to?
famous names?
paroles en francais? in italiano?
songs from a different time?
the internet itself?
films? radio serials?
events and news topics
instrumentals or acoustic objects
symbol/picture titled songs
other projects
Whereas most exposed songs are singles, some material has been created as part of a project

more about  ** institut für universelle zusammenhänge: here
go to the top of the page


The music by ** institut für universelle zusammenhänge is made available to the world wide web as a collection of singles, downloadable in various audio formats.
Each of those singles are packed into a www-kind of 'cover' or 'sleeve': an individual html-file.
Some of the music is or will be grouped to projects, virtual albums.
The singles are also ported on rare indiviadual artwork CD's, each one individually designed.
Features will continously be added. Cooperations and questions are welcome.

*please leave your email address here to receive notification by mail of new updates to the site (maximum 1 mail per month)


the single of the month   This is the old index (the new index is here) index
S.O.M. - single of the month - download or listen online
 *the series output is below one single per month at the moment because of work at other formats  (see projects)
please leave your email address here to receive notification by mail of new updates to the site (maximum 1 mail per month)

#51  Curtains Of Night  real audio, mp3
#50  Transshopping  mp3
#XX  some draft recordings mp3
#32/40 Hollyween, USA, November 2000  real audio, mp3
#37 kommpop  real audio, mp3
#35/36 Le Mont Ventoux  real audio, mp3
#34 (ne me trahis pas) - Le moment...  real audio, mp3
#33 Teenage PS  real audio, mp3
#32 Hollyween, USA, November 2000  real audio, mp3
#31 Big Rice Salad With T,Sh,SwPo  real audio, mp3
#30 Your Toy Broke B  real audio, mp3
#29 Jesse James (introducing)  real audio, mp3
#28 Mandarin Sea Food Rolls  real audio, mp3
#27 symbol = song title  real audio, mp3
#26 #2347 - Every Day Is A Punksong...  real audio, mp3
#25 Sichuan Peanut Sauce Noodles  real audio, mp3
#24 Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy II  real audio, mp3
#23 Shy II  real audio, mp3
#22 Stir-fried Crab Meat With Oriental Greens  real audio, mp3, vqf
#21 Bring Him Back Dead Or Alive  real audio, mp3, vqf
#20 Koshuks  real audio, mp3, vqf
#19 apocalypse  real audio, mp3
#18   real audio
#17 Rio Bravo  real audio, mp3
#16 Listen To This  real audio, mp3
#15 symbol = song title  real audio
#14 night symbol = song title  real audio, mp3
#13 sun symbol = song title  real audio
#12 HIV+  real audio, mp3
#11 FJCIKJ in Review  real audio, mp3
#10 The Little 'dobe Casa  real audio, mp3
#9 The Sewing Girls  real audio
#8 Supernova sneak preview version   real audio
#7 I Escaped Amy Fisher  real audio, mp3
#6 The Internet Song  real audio, mp3
#5 Your Toy Broke  real audio, mp3
#4 Revolution  real audio, mp3
#3 2000  real audio, mp3
#2 Nirvana Plugged Out  real audio, mp3
#1 On Love Star  real audio, mp3
The 'Single of the Month' exposes particular discoveries/productions by **### Institut für Universelle Zusammenhänge on a regular/monthly basis. Those productions can be taken either from varius archives or actual productions with a connection to time and context they are released into. Apart from this service there will be more music to discover soon and - this is important - there will be various different styles involved, so don't be sure you know...

other accessable projects   This is the old index (the new index is here) INDEX
other accessable projects

The sounds to eat your Chop Suey to. Premier music restaurant on the World Wide Web.
The second restaurant has opened in a beta version with a different approach.


A new special project in German language

Songs from mainly the 19th century transported into the context (especially the musical) of today and so pretending to be timeless.


alternative? rock? dance? electronic?  This is the old index (the new index is here) index
alternative? rock? dance? electronic? Love StarHIV+Revolution
B Y, B F, B H, II
The Internet SongNirvana Plugged OutYour Toy BrokeBig Rice SaladThe Sewing Girls
Billy Bremnersymbol = song titleFJCIKJ in ReviewSupernova
Sichuan Peanut SN
Jesse James (i.)BHB Dead Or AliveI Escaped Amy Fisher2000
Mandarin Seafood Rolls
Your Toy Broke BRashidi Yekini 1994KoshuksListen To This
Chinese Food Music

Le Mont VentouxThe Little 'dobe Casa

Stir-fried Crab Meat W.O.Gr.

Teenage PSHollyween

night symbol = song title

Rio Bravosun symbol = song title

(ne me trahis pas)...symbol = song title

Shy II

Many like to distinguish between music that was created by direct interaction with acoustic or electrically amplified acoustic instruments usually created in bands on one side and on the other side electronic or dance music usually created in interaction with the help of machines, sequencers and PC's. Other criteria might be the tempo of the song, or whether acoustic or electric amplified instruments were used. Have the songs a fixed rhythmic level, are they more dynamic? Although **INSTITUT FÜR UNIVERSELLE ZUSAMMENHÄNGE tries to connect rather than to specialize, many of you might browse in search for a certain kind of music. So this 2-pole categorisation, what ever it means, might give you a little hint, although the songs usually are not classic representants of genres.

literature involved?index

 version featuring 'A Dream Deferred' by Langston Hughes quoted
 Panique dans les rues de Lyon...
 Stir-fried Crab Meat With Oriental Greens
 cooking literature inspired?
 Sichuan Peanut Sauce Noodles
 chinese travel
 Mandarin Sea Food Rolls
 chinese travel
 Big Rice Salad With Tomato, Shrimp, And Sweet Potato
 chinese travel
 Hollyween, USA, November 2000 - A Little Place Called Abortion...
 some reference to the bible and its interpretations - not really about literature but touching some
 (ne me trahis pas) - Le moment quand Tess...
 a screenplay sound

rock history refered to?index

 Nirvana Plugged Out (Cannibalism) ('sponsored by Blaupunkt')
 Written along a TV show the day after Kurt Cobain, the singer and mastermind of the music group 'Nirvana' shot himself. Full of quotations in the same time of commercial messages transported by the programme and from Rock history
 The Smiths meet Encore in the streets of Lyon...
 The Sewing Girls
 Somewhere in the background there seems to be a radio playing Je t'aime (Gainsbourg). What it means? Ask Günter Pröpper...
 Rio Bravo
 featuring quotes altogether from at least four famous songs
 Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy II
 sample of a series of tracks refering to popular or less known songs of the past
 Teenage PS
 a punk retrospective found in the archives
 An individual perspective on pop and again - panic by the Smiths as subject of a piece, this time in German

famous names?index

 On Love Star
 A song about a person who addresses Silvio Berlusconi, Bernard Tapis, and other patrons creating their worlds, or rather their images, in search for a concept for an alternative world having no place in the one of the ones above
 Nirvana Plugged Out (Cannibalism) ('sponsored by Blaupunkt')
 Kurt Cobain and even Courtney Love are refered to with quotations from Neil Young, Janis Joplin and more.
 If - who has been the discjockey?
 Cole Younger, Billy The Kid, Jesse James & Co.
 I Escaped Amy Fisher
 More about an image of a TV mutation and somehow referring to the famous (notorious) teenager. Also refers to Charles Bronson (or of course more some of his roles). TV, reality and images blur in a consequence of the export of US-American culture..
 FJCIKJ in Review
 Although it is not country singer Johnny Cash himself targeted by the narrating (apparently female) person, the name imports some attributes into that mysterious figure...
 Jesse James (introducing)
 famous 19th century bandit
 Hollyween, USA, November 2000 - A Little Place Called Abortion...
 Charlton Heston, George Bush and who else...?
 (ne me trahis pas) - Le moment quand Tess...
 actors singing
 Le Mont Ventoux
 reminds of but is not necessarily connected to the tragic story of cyclist and former World Champion Tom Simpson

paroles en francais? in italiano?index
La creation d'un chanson europeenne?:
Vous trouvez quelques paroles en francais ou italien dedans les paroles anglaises de cettes chansons:

 On Love Star
 una stella irragiungibile...
 Guillotine le discjockey...
 The Internet Song (The missing link...)
 l'éclat de la clarté de l'illusion de la lueur d'un pièrre
 (ne me trahis pas) - Le moment quand Tess...
 la vie livrer les pizzes
 Le Mont Ventoux
 Aujourd'hui je gagne, a strange new project basically in German
 by, in German

songs from a different time?index
 Traditional songs from mainly the 19th century were transported into a completely new musical context
 The Little 'dobe Casa
 One exposed single of the WESTERNSONGS.COM project.
 Rio Bravo
 Only a film but anyway?
 (Walk Among) Koshuks
 Science fiction
 Bring Him Back Dead Or Alive
 A second exposed single of the WESTERNSONGS.COM project.
 Jesse James (introducing)
 A third exposed sample of the WESTERNSONGS.COM project.
 Hollyween, USA, November 2000 - A Little Place Called Abortion...
 Charlton Heston Shoots His Son - the wild west in today?

the internet itself?index
 the very first music restaurant has opened
- reflecting the internet
 The Internet Song (The missing link...)
 - the creation of the internet compatible rocksong? By its less-than-2-minutes format predestined for the web...
 Some songs are 'introducing' only...
 Your Toy Broke
 I Escaped Amy Fisher
 Jesse James (introducing)
 The introducing format on one hand is very surfcompatible, on the other hand you might just hear the song twice in a row because you miss something
 Your Toy Broke B
 very compact version
 Teenage PS
 (ne me trahis pas) - Le moment quand Tess...
 with 2:30 maybe already a little long...

films? radio serials?index

 Rio Bravo
 My rifle, pony, and me, John Wayne, Angie Dickinson, Ricky Nelson, Dean Martin...
 (Walk Among) Koshuks
 Title theme of the science fiction radio serial Starrocker: The Mystery Of Koshuk Planet
 Hollyween, USA, November 2000 - A Little Place Called Abortion...
 Charlton Heston Shoots His Son (Cleaning His Gun)
 (ne me trahis pas) - Le moment quand Tess...
 a mysterious parallel version to a film that started in cinemas April 2001


 On Love Star
 The name Berlusconi imports what seems to be a football connection, but this view might be too limited
 Rashidi Yekini 1994
 The famous Nigerian footballer on the mind of a fan falling into military metaphor in his emotions...
 Billy Bremner
 The famous and sometimes notorious Scottish hero of the 60's/70's and his participation in the World Cup match Scotland-Zaire 1974 (and Billy shouted 'nigger'...)
 The Sewing Girls
 Somebody must have sewed the ball together. Karl Marx and the opposite side of the world of football...
 Le Mont Ventoux
 Le Tour de France

events and news topicsindex

 A new millennium. Redemption by numbers?
 Panique dans les rues de Lyon...
 An oldie?
 #2347 - Every Day Is A Punksong Created By The Big Bang
 Hollyween, USA, November 2000 - A Little Place Called Abortion...
 written on the days of the Bush Gore presidential elections
 Le Mont Ventoux
 Le Tour de France

instrumentals or acoustic objectsindex

 The Sewing Girls
 What is an instrumental anyway. This is more one for the category musical/acoustic objects?
 sun symbol = song title
 Guitars involved...
 night symbol = song title
 Also dancable rhythm. Music that is determinated by the famous ReBirth simulation of the 80's trend synthesizers/drum machines (Roland)
 symbol = song title
 Available in a live session recording
 symbol = song title
 Available in a live session recording

symbol/picture titled songsindex
the internet as a dumb media to transport noise: a title does not need to be speakable, visuality is all that is asked. so other visual dimensions than those that alphabets span can be experimented with...
 sun symbol = song title
 Guitars involved...
 night symbol = song title
 Also dancable rhythm. Music that is determinated by the famous ReBirth simulation of the 80's trend synthesizers/drum machines (Roland)
 symbol = song title
 Available in a live session recording
 Stir-fried Crab Meat With Oriental Greens
 not only a possible visual title but also one you can taste
 Sichuan Peanut Sauce Noodles
 not only a possible visual title but also one you can taste
 #2347 - Every Day Is A Punksong Created By The Big Bang
 not only a possible visual title but also one you can taste
 symbol = song title
 Available in a live session recording
 Mandarin Sea Food Rolls
 not only a possible visual title but also one you can taste
 Big Rice Salad With Tomato, Shrimp, And Sweet Potato
 not only a possible visual title but also one you can taste